Version History
Version | Description
1.0.44 | Sravani Uppuluri | Removed "refid" and "refvalue" from queryParams and added it as headers for /troubleTicket
1.0.81 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated paymentMethod Post method with request and response examples for salesforce and made MSISDN as optional
1.0.82 | Jyotsna Kandala | Added patch method under billingAccount/id resource by adding request and response
1.0.83 | Jyotsna Kandala | Updated billingAccount/id by removing dataType of uriParam {id}
1.0.84 | Likhitha Kolli | Added get method under /paymentMethod resource with response
1.0.85 | Jyotsna Kandala | Updated patch: billingAccount/id by adding X-Correlation-Id as mandatory header
1.0.86 | Sandhya Bitla | Added sample tmf response for CWC-getPrepaidBalances as part of migration of prepay balance management biz.
1.0.87 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated /usageConsumptionReport resource's response with usageDetails by adding bucketCounter Array
1.0.88 | Sandhya Bitla | Updated getPrepaidBalance's resource with v2 response and latest dateFormat
1.0.89 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated billingAccount/service/{id} resource's response with autopayDate and delinquencyDays fields
1.0.90 | Likhitha Kolli | Added delete method under /paymentMethod/{id} as part of LCPR Postpaid requirement
1.0.91 | Likhitha Kolli | Changed patch method to put method under billingAccount/{id} resource as part of LCPR Postpaid requirement.
1.0.92 | Likhitha Kolli | Added /{id} resource under /service as part of LCPR Postpaid SIM Activation functionality.
1.0.93 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated response of get: /billingAccount/service/{id} resource for LCPR Mobile(dynamo) and Fixed Customers(CSG)
1.0.94 | Likhitha Kolli | Added new resource get:/resource for LCPR Mobile Prepaid PIB Requirement
1.0.95 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated the resource get:/resource for LCPR Mobile Prepaid PIB Requirement
1.0.96 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated the resource get:/productOrder for LCPR Mobile Prepaid PIB Requirement
1.0.97 | Sravani Uppuluri | Updated the resource get:/usageConsumptionReport for RealTimeBalances requirement
1.0.98 | Likhitha Kolli | Added the resource post:/productOrderCreateEvent for LCPR Mobile Prepaid PIB Requirement
1.0.99 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated the resource get:/productOrderCreateEvent example for LCPR Mobile Prepaid PIB Requirement
1.0.100 | Likhitha Kolli | Updated the resource get:/usageConsumptionReport sample response for LCPR.(Voice and SMS balances should be of wholeNumber instead of Decimal values)
1.0.101 | Satish Kannayagari | Added a new resource POST:/reset for IVR CWC(JM)
1.0.102 | Satish Kannayagari | Replaced CorrelationId with X-Corelation-Id for resource POST:/reset for IVR CWC(JM)
1.0.103 | Jyotsna kandala | updated relatedParty field in example for POST:/reset for IVR CWC(JM)
1.0.104 | Sravani Uppuluri | Updated examples in resources get: /prepaidBalance/service/{serviceId}, get: /billingAccount/contact/{id} and get: /billingAccount/service/{id}
1.0.105 | Sravani Uppuluri | added examples for requests and responses for post: /payment
1.0.106 | Sravani Uppuluri | updated examples for resource get: /billingAccount/service/{id}
1.0.107 | Satish Kannayagari | updated the ID uriParam as String for resource get: /billingAccount/service/{id}
1.0.108 | Sravani Uppuluri | updated the ID uriParam pattern to accept only alphanumeric for resource get: /billingAccount/service/{id}
1.0.109 | Sravani Uppuluri | added versioning, v1 is added for existing resources. and V2 for get: /prepaidBalance/service/{serviceId}.
1.0.110 | Sravani Uppuluri | updated example requests and responses for post: /service/topupBalance.
1.0.111 | Sravani Uppuluri | updated example request for BTC post: /service/topupBalance and updated the minLength for usageConsumptionReport queryParameter.
1.0.112 | Sravani Uppuluri | added topupBalance resource for v2.
1.0.113 | SaiVaishnavi Donipudi | added DC markets example for prepaidBalances v2 version.
1.0.114 | SaiVaishnavi Donipudi | added DC markets example for resource get:/billingAccount/service/{id}